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Boss Lady Brunch 2020: “A Seat at the Table”

I am addressing a question asked on Instagram regarding the Boss Lady Brunch held January 25, 2020, if you are reading this, it’s not too late to buy your ticket.

QUESTION: How is this beneficial to me as a single room esthetician trying to grow my career?  And why should I invest $100

ANSWER:  $100?  Quit playing with me… when I first graduated, I spent $3000 in honing my craft, $3000 in mentorship, and $3000 in developing and sharping my skills.  

This is why, a lot of women will say they want “A Seat at the Table,” I’m that person that gets sick of hearing people say, “You’re where you are because of the resources you have.”

OK, that is a valid statement.

So, when you come to the Boss Lady Brunch, I’m giving you my resources.   When you come to the Boss Lady Brunch, my mentors (who make more money in probably a week, a month, a transaction, than a lot of women will make in a year), are going to come and give you advice.  Not for $100, because that money goes to the non-profit (Molded from Clay life Ministries).  They are going to do it because of my relationship with them.  And we are going to help you strategize and grow your business so that it’s a business that is income-generating.  Not a hobby.  If you are making less than $3000/ month while you’re trying to grow a business, the IRS considers it a hobby.  What I want to do is make you a BOSS.  


We call this Boss Lady Brunch “A Seat at the Table,” because, whether you realize it or not, a lot of you are already sitting at the table, you just don’t understand with whom you are sitting. Then, you are making critical errors and burning bridges because you treated someone based off who you assumed or perceived them to be without first realizing who they were and how their strengths can fortify your weaknesses.

I have a young lady who is building an app, that is giving Groupon a run for their money and it is strategically focused on building black businesses.  And by the end of 2020, it will be nationwide.  Her 2021, projections put her overseas, and she is going to tell you how she got there and then she is going to help you figure out how to get your business there.  

Then I am very proud, because at this brunch, my cousin is coming to the table. Tribe, she humbles me.  My cousin has built a following on social media that is phenomenal and then she leveraged it to build an empire that allows her to be a mom full time.  As a single parent, it allows her to be a mogul and a brand, and then allows her to live functioning in her passion and her dreams and make good money doing it.  She is going to come to the table and she is going to give you those tips and tricks and then she is going to give you opportunities at the table, to help leverage them.  

And I don’t feel I need an introduction, but I’ll introduce myself anyway.  I am Esthetics by P Brown.  I have clients in 5 countries and 49 states, and God has been good because my business is debt free, we continue to grow, we have an Incubation Center and I am bleeding resources for you all. 


That’s what it is… It’s not me trying to be anything but real.

Then I’m going a step further, especially for the ones who’ve been to the previous Boss Lady Brunches, I am strategically putting my mentors in the audience and there will be at least one at each table.  I’m not going to tell you who they are, while they are giving business advice you won’t know if they are part of my mentor tribe, who’s help me grow to be an international empire, or not, and then at the end, I will introduce these ladies.  After they have given you, more than just A Seat at the Table, because you will eat with them: we are going to feed you, we’ll toast up mimosas with you, we’re going to celebrate you as a woman and a business owner, and we are going to give you our intellectual properties, for $100.  And then my team will follow up with you to ensure that you were able to apply what you learned and got what you needed.  

So, to answer the question, it’s worth it if you are a single room esthetician but you:

  1. still have to work a day job.

  2. you don’t know how to leverage your assets.

  3. you don’t know how to leverage your intellectual property.

  4. you don’t know how to leverage your skill set to pay yourself your desired salary.


Let me tell you how to reach your clientele, let me tell you what your COB is, let me help you refine your target market, let me help you not give your pearls of wisdom to swine, or cast bones to dogs, please let me help you, 

If you are trying to build your brand and leverage both social media and your brick and mortar, or just social media, please let my cousin help you.  She doesn’t need to help you; she’s doing it because there’s room for everyone to eat.  And if you need to learn how to mind your business, and count your coins, let my girl show you, she’s not just going to show you, she wrote a book on it.  

Invest the $100.  Come to the table with the wealthy mentality, because a wealthy man will ask me what is my return on investment? And essentially sis, that’s what you’re asking me.  With what we are going to give you, when you pay $100, you should be able to walk out that door and make $1000 or better.  That’s the wealthy mentality, your return on investment.  A poor man, a broke mentality will say, do you know what I can do with $100? I can buy a new pair of shoes… 

… I’m eating.  I’m not just at the table, I’m building the table, I hope this answered your question tribe.  

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